Back in my sewing room!

It's been a while, but I'm back in my sewing room!  Sew looking forward to really spending some time in here. After all the happenings in my life this past summer, I just needed a hiatus and time to regroup.  I'm getting back in the grove of checking my favorite blogs and hope to catch up with everyone.

Here's what I've been up to...

Later this month, I'm teaching a "What is EQ7?" class for the Haymarket Quilters Unlimited guild.  This is a lecture/demo class intended to introduce people to what EQ7 is, and what it can do.  For many people, they have the software, but have yet to explore it.  Others have considered this software, but are not sure if it is worth the investment.  This class will help them discover how the software works and how to use it.   I've got my materials ready, and use my design wall to go through my presentation.  ☺

Testing out my EQ7 class on the design wall.   

I've been spending time embroidering shirts for my DD's former Montessori school.  The beginning of the school year is always the busy season.

Working on shirts to embroider.

My latest class at  EQ7 Advanced Layouts.  This is the third week of this class and it is keeping me busy.

EQ7 Advanced Layouts - from Lesson 1

I'm also hosting a JoAnn donation to Girl Scouts open house this afternoon.  I've never had so much stuff at one time that it doesn't all fit in our basement.  I have to display all the silk florals outside for people.  It'll be a hot day today.  Crazy weather for October.

Now that the school year has started, My friend Kathleen and I have begun meeting up for our Funday Mondays again.  I have a few projects to finish and a bunch to start.  I bet you may feel the same.

It's good to be back. 

Happy Stitching!


  1. Sylvia, so glad to hear that you're back to doing what you love. I've had you in my thoughts. Can't wait to see what you're working on.

  2. Sylvia,
    How exciting that you are going to teach an introduction to EQ7 demo. I took the Building Blocks class that just ended and am in the same Advanced Layouts class as you. Although I feel like I have learned so much in those classes, I wouldn't be able to teach anyone anything about EQ7 at this point, it hasn't really sunk in yet.
    I am happy to hear that you are getting back to spending time in your sewing room. It seems that you are one busy lady.
    I look forward to reading all that you are up to.


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