Funday Monday - In the Hoop iPod Case

My Funday Owl iPod Case
When this school year started, my friend Kathleen and I made a commitment to set one day aside where we would get together and sew/quilt while the kids are in school.  We decided to do Mondays, and we call them Fundays. We get together after my youngest gets on the afternoon kindergarten bus, and that gives us a few hours until the elementary buses return to bring the kids home.  We've also chosen to make the first Funday of the month be our lunch out and pedicure day.  Those really are fun days!!  :-)  We have both turned down other opportunities and events that pop up on Monday afternoons, just so we can still craft.

Today Kathleen brought over a bunch of 5" charms that she has a vision of a quilt for.  She has some light tone on tone, and some with a pink color to them.  The design is in her mind, and I know it will be nice when it is finished.

Kathleen working on her charm quilt.

 I decided to do another in-the-hoop embroidered owl iPod Touch case.  I had done one previously for DD2, and her BFF has asked for one as well.  The BFF picked out some fabrics from my small stash and is very excited to be getting a new case.

UPDATE:  I have been asked to remove the photos in this post that show my work on this project.  Sorry.

Happy Stitching  (but not with Embroidery Garden) Anyway!


  1. Having friends over to sew is the best thing ever!

  2. Rather jealous of the funday! Love the owl a lot.

    1. Funday is a great idea, but it's takes an effort to keep that time clear from other commitments that want to take your attention. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Your owl looks so cheerful, the funday idea is one to try!

    1. I think the owl came out cute too. The Funday is definitely worth a try. Other things will want to invade your Funday time, but you just have to block out the time on your calendar. :-)
      Thanks for visiting!!

  4. The owl is so cute. I really envy your quilting ability I wouldn't have any idea where to start.
    Ali x

    1. Thanks Ali. The embroidery machine makes it easy. :-)
      Sylvia :-)

  5. What a cute owl, it looks like the two of you have a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

    1. Thank you Connie! We so enjoy Funday, and I love your linky party. :-)

  6. I love the idea of your Fundays! What a brilliant start to the week. Your owl is just adorable and I love that you've shared the process of making him in a hoop. It's always interesting to see how others make things. Welcome to Handmade Monday, I agree they might fit in well with your Funday Mondays too! Enjoy xx

    1. Thanks Wendy. So happy to be a part of your Handmade Monday! Thanks for hosting.


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