Work Still in Progress Video

Riddle for you!  What is green and gold and 1.6 million stitches?
My still unfinished, much beloved, going-to-be-awesome Golden Tapestry!
It is so close, just four more side border panels, and four corner blocks to stitch.  Most of the work is done.

My project, as it stands today.

Over the summer, I made a 1-minute video to show a non-local friend the details in this project.  This project is done completely in just two colors of thread on two colors of silk fabric.  It is by far, the most stitch-intensive project I have undertaken.

I love Anita Goodesign!  Their designs are so well digitized, it doesn't seem like the photographs do the stitching justice.  I asked them if I could share my little video, and they said I "most definitely" may.  Just love that company!!   :-)

So if you are curious for a closer look at this project, then this short video may be for you.

Anita Goodesign Golden Tapestry Special Edition can be found here.

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